The annual subscription is £15 per person due from September 1st 2023. Free Student membership is available, at the discretion of the committee, for those under 19 or with evidence of being in full time education.
To join by post or if you have any queries, contact the Membership Secretary as below. Part-year memberships will only be available from after the AGM until 31st August for £7.50.
Joining for the Zoom Lectures? This is the quickest way:
New Members
New members can join by downloading, filling in and signing a membership form (link below).
Pay by Bank Transfer (preferred) : Abergavenny Local History Society sort code 40-08-04 Account 21018981, reference your name, or by cheque made payable to Abergavenny Local History Society . It costs £15 (single) or £30 (2 people).
Post the form (or put it through the door) to the Membership Secretary Mrs J Patrick 57, Belgrave Rd, Abergavenny, NP7 7AH. Please state if paying by bank transfer or enclose the cheque.
A membership card, and an introductory pack for new members, will be forwarded to you as soon as possible.
Contact information for the Membership Secretary: or 01873 854327
Download a Membership Application Form here - ALHS Membership
Pay by Bank Transfer: Abergavenny Local History Society sort code 40-08-04 Account 21018981, reference your membership number and surname. Your membership number is on your previous membership card. Please let Janet Patrick know by email ( that you have paid by bank transfer, so that she can process it.
By cheque (the bank will start charging for this in November). Please write a cheque made payable to Abergavenny Local History Society for £15 (single) or £30 (2 people). Please put on the back of the cheque: your name(s), membership numbers (on your previous membership card) and your address to identify you.
Privacy Policy - Abergavenny Local History Society
The ALHS Privacy Policy can be seen here : ALHS Privacy Policy
Information for Members
Information for ALHS members about what the Society aims to provide them can be seen here: Information for ALHS Members